python 3.6 +pyMysql 操作mysql数据库(实例讲解)
更新时间:2017年12月20日 14:10:34 作者:陈月白
下面小编就为大家分享一篇python 3.6 +pyMysql 操作mysql数据库的实例讲解,具有很好的参考价值,希望对大家有所帮助。一起跟随小编过来看看吧
版本信息:python:3.6 mysql:5.7 pyMysql:0.7.11
################################################################# #author: 陈月白 #_blogs: ################################################################# # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- class MysqlTools(): """ 连接mysql 库、表操作 """ def __init__(self,host,dbname,user,passwd,charset="utf8"): = host self.dbname = dbname self.user = user self.passwd = passwd self.charset = charset def connectMysqlDatabase(self): """连接db""" try: #连接db connect = pymysql.connect(,user=self.user,passwd=self.passwd,db=self.dbname,charset=self.charset) cursor = connect.cursor() databaseConnectInfo = self.user + "@" + "" + "/" + self.dbname print("INFO:connect database %s success."%databaseConnectInfo) return connect,cursor except: traceback.print_exc() print("ERROR:FUNCTION connectMysqlDatabase connect mysql database failed.") def executeSqlLine(self,sqlLine): """执行单条sql语句""" if sqlLine and isinstance(sqlLine,str): print("INFO:now start connect mysql dababase.") connect,cursor = self.connectMysqlDatabase() executeResult = "" try: #游标执行sql cursor.execute(sqlLine) executeResult = cursor.fetchall() #获取所有执行结果 cursor.close() #关闭游标 connect.commit() #确认提交 print("INFO:execute sql sucess. sqlLine = ", sqlLine) except Exception as e: print("ERROR:execute sql failed.errorInfo =",e) print("ERROR:FUNCTION executeSql execute failed.sqlLine =",sqlLine) connect.rollback() #回滚db return str(e) + " sqlLine = " + sqlLine #断开连接 connect.close() print("INFO:connect closed.\n") return executeResult else: print("ERROR:param sqlLine is empty or type is not str.sqlLine = ",sqlLine) def executeBatchSql(self,sqlList): """ 批量执行sql exp: executeBatchSql([sql_1, sql_2, sql_3, ...... ]) """ finalResultList = [] if sqlList: for sql in sqlList: executeResult = self.executeSqlLine(sql) finalResultList.append(executeResult) else: print("ERROR:param sqlList is empty.") return finalResultList
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from my_code.work_tools import WorkTools mysql = WorkTools.MysqlTools("localhost","testdbname","rootuername","passwd") #执行单行sql ret1 = mysql.executeSqlLine("show databases") #批量执行 ret2 = mysql.executeBatchSql([ "show databases", "show tables", "update students_info set name = '王大花D' where id = 2", "select * from students_info", "error sql test" #异常sql测试 ]) print("ret1 = ",ret1) print("---------------------") for i in ret2: print(i)
ret1 = (('information_schema',), ('mysql',), ('performance_schema',), ('sakila',), ('sys',), ('testdb',), ('world',)) --------------------- (('information_schema',), ('mysql',), ('performance_schema',), ('sakila',), ('sys',), ('testdb',), ('world',)) (('students_info',),) () ((1, '陈月白', 'male', 25, '20176666', '1351234'), (2, '王大花D', 'female', 19, '19920816', '10086'), (3, '李强新', 'male', 18, '19941025', '10000'), (4, '王鹏', 'male', 20, '19970405', '10010'), (5, '钟齐', 'male', 22, '19970420', '123456789'), (6, '王大花', 'female', 15, '19981024', '12345678')) (1064, "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'error sql test' at line 1") sqlLine = error sql test
以上这篇python 3.6 +pyMysql 操作mysql数据库(实例讲解)就是小编分享给大家的全部内容了,希望能给大家一个参考,也希望大家多多支持脚本之家。
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