使用Flex4.5开发Android应用程序 英文pdf文字版/EPUB版本/源代码

  • 书籍大小:13MB
  • 书籍语言:简体中文
  • 书籍类型:国产软件
  • 书籍授权:免费软件
  • 书籍类别:Android
  • 应用平台:PDF
  • 更新时间:2011-06-17
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360通过 腾讯通过 金山通过


将你的ActionScript 3的技术应用于移动应用程序的开发上,这本手册主要教你用Flex 4.5框架开发一个Adobe AIR应用程序。

Ready to put your ActionScript 3 skills to work on mobile apps? This hands-on book walks you through the process of creating an Adobe AIR application from start to finish, using the Flex 4.5 framework. Move quickly from a basic Hello World application to complex interactions with Android APIs, and get complete code examples for working with Android device components—GPS, camera, gallery, accelerometer, multitouch display, and OS interactions. No matter how much Flex experience you have, this book is the ideal resource.


Rich Tretola

Rich Tretola, an award-winning Flex developer, is the Rich Applications Technical Lead at Herff Jones Inc. He has been building internet apps for over a decade, and has worked with Flex since the original Royale beta was introduced in 2003. Rich is highly regarded in the Flex community as an expert in RIA, and is also an Adobe Community Expert. He has authored or co-authored a number of books on Flex and AIR, and has a popular Flex and AIR blog at Everything Flex.



使用Flex4.5开发Android应用程序 英文pdf文字版/EPUB版本/源代码



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