Ajax修炼之道 Web 2.0入门 pdf文字版

  • 书籍大小:2.7MB
  • 书籍语言:简体中文
  • 书籍类型:国产软件
  • 书籍授权:免费软件
  • 书籍类别:ajax 电子书
  • 应用平台:PDF
  • 更新时间:2011-06-17
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360通过 腾讯通过 金山通过



Now there’s no need for you to choose between the ease of deployment of a web page and the interactive features of a rich desktop application. Ajax redefines the user experience for web applications. Your application can provide a compelling user interface delivered plug-in free using modern web browsers. This book shows you how to make Ajax magic, exploring both the fundamental technologies and the emerging frameworks that make it easy.


Justin Gehtland is a partner and co-founder of Relevance, a training and consulting company located in the Research Triangle, North Carolina. He has been an application developer since 1990, and a web application developer since 1995. His technology background includes all the usual suspects. He is currently focused on development using Ruby, .NET and Java.

Ben Galbraith is a frequent technical speaker, occasional consultant, and author of several technology books. He is a co-founder of Ajaxian.com, was recently Chief Technical Officer for Amirsys, and is presently a consultant specializing in enterprise architecture and Swing/Ajax development. Ben wrote his first computer program when he was six years old, started his first business at ten, and entered the IT workforce just after turning twelve. For the past few years, he’s been professionally coding in Java. Ben presides over the Utah Java User’s Group, is active in the Java Community Process, and tinkers on various open-source projects. He’s delivered over one hundred technical presentations in 2005 at venues including JavaOne, TheServerSide.com Java Symposium, and the No Fluff Just Stuff Java Symposiums.

Dion Almaer is the other founder of Ajaxian.com, the leading source of the Ajax community. Dion has been writing rich web applications from the beginning, and is a columnist on Enterprise Java topics at openxource.com, onjava.com, TheServerSide.com, and of course his blog at almaer.com/blog. He enjoys writing, and speaking at events such as JavaOne, JavaPolis, TheServerSide Symposium, and the No Fluff Just Stuff symposium tour. He also participates on the Java Community Process expert groups, and the open source community as a whole.



Ajax修炼之道 Web 2.0入门 pdf文字版



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