Python基础教程第3版(Beginning Python From Novice to Professional 3th) pdf


  • 书籍大小:4.35MB
  • 书籍语言:英文软件
  • 书籍类型:国产软件
  • 书籍授权:免费软件
  • 书籍类别:Python电子书
  • 应用平台:Windows平台
  • 更新时间:2017-12-28
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360通过 腾讯通过 金山通过


Magnus Lie Hetland又更新他的 "Beginning Python From Novice to Professional"了,该书为第三版英文,基于Python3.5进行讲解,紧跟技术潮流。希望对Python爱好者有所帮助。


更新以反映Python编程范例中的最新和Python 3中发现的几个最关键特性,开始Python还包括高级主题,如扩展Python和打包/分发Python应用程序。


Gain a fundamental understanding of Python’s syntax and features with this up–to–date introduction and practical reference. Covering a wide array of Python–related programming topics, including addressing language internals, database integration, network programming, and web services, you’ll be guided by sound development principles. Ten accompanying projects will ensure you can get your hands dirty in no time.
Updated to reflect the latest in Python programming paradigms and several of the most crucial features found in Python 3, Beginning Python also covers advanced topics such as extending Python and packaging/distributing Python applications.

What You'll Learn Become a proficient Python programmer by following along with a friendly, practical guide to the language’s key features Write code faster by learning how to take advantage of advanced features such as magic methods, exceptions, and abstraction Gain insight into modern Python programming paradigms including testing, documentation, packaging, and distribution Learn by following along with ten interesting projects, including a P2P file–sharing application, chat client, video game, remote text editor, and more Who This Book Is For Programmers, novice and otherwise, seeking a comprehensive introduction to the Python programming language.



Python基础教程第3版(Beginning Python From Novice to Professional 3th) pdf



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