
freecommunication即时通讯工具 V7.8.1008 中文官方安装版 支持多人同...

FreeCommunication主要功能:文本聊天(支持动态表情),文件传输,目录传输,音频、视·频·聊天(支持多人同时),远程控制,屏幕共享,短信互发,邮件管理(支持多账户的收发),聊天室(多人音视频), VOD, VOIP, P2P 下载,文挡管理等功能,对于您与客户即时信息互动搭建一个便捷的桥梁。FreeCommunication 基于 C/S 及 P2P 混...
www.jb51.net/softs/869...html 2024-5-28


Q6 :何谓 ISM 频段 ? ANS : ISM(Industrial Scientific Medical) Band ,此频段 ( 2.4~2.4835GHz) 主要是开放给工业,科学、医学,三个主要机构使用,该频段是依据美国联邦通讯委员会 (FCC) 所定义出来,属于 Free License ,并没有所谓使用授权的限制。 Q7 :何谓展频 (Spread Spectrum)? ANS :展频技术主要又分为...
www.jb51.net/article/122...htm 2024-6-2


一 技术属性 Corners角球、Free Kick Taking任意球、Panalty Taking点球: 发定位球的技术。其中值得商榷的是任意球分两种,一种是直接任意球,允许直接射门;另一种间接任意球,需要传给队友。直接任意球打门在现实中是很考验射门能力的,但在游戏中很难判断射门能力高,对直接任意球有多大的影响。不过多年的FM经验来看,...
www.jb51.net/gonglue/343265_a...html 2015-6-18


// be US-ASCII (7 bit communication), or ISO Latin 1 (8 bit // communication), as there is likely no modem out there accepting // Unicode for its commands. An example to specify the encoding // would look like: // // os = new PrintStream(port.getOutputStream(), true, "ISO-885...
www.jb51.net/article/706...htm 2024-6-2

SSL/TLS Strong Encryption: FAQ - Apache 2.2 中文版参考手册

Before any HTTP data communication takes place in HTTPS, the SSL/TLS layer has already completed its handshake phase, and switched to encrypted communication. So don't be confused by this icon.Why do I get I/O errors when connecting via HTTPS to an Apache+mod_ssl server with Microsoft ...
www.jb51.net/tools/onlinetools/apach... 2024-6-1

利用Metasploit编写Adobe Flash漏洞模块 (CVE-2012-0779)_漏洞分析_网...

// network endpoint for RTMFP peer-to-peer group communication this.v15.connect(_local4); // Calls a command or method on Flash Media Server or on an application server running Flash Remoting this.v15.call("systemMemoryCall", this.v16, "argc"); ...
www.jb51.net/hack/563...html 2024-6-2


The maximum size of the buffer for client/server communication. The value of the variable can be up to 16MB before MySQL 4.0, and up to 1GB from MySQL 4.0 on. · net_buffer_length The initial size of the buffer for client/server communication. When ...
www.jb51.net/article/495...htm 2024-6-2

Unix/Linux fork隐藏的开销_Linux_脚本之家

关于这个设计思想为什么可以影响UNIX这么久,我想和Conway本人的“Conway's law”不无关系,在这个law中,他提到:Any organization that designs a system (defined broadly) will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization's communication structure. ...
www.jb51.net/article/2204...htm 2024-6-2


dp.SyntaxHighlighter is a free JavaScript library for source code syntax highlighting. Homepage:http://www.dreamprojections.com/SyntaxHighlighter/ Documentation:http://www.dreamprojections.com/SyntaxHighlighter/Usage.aspx Demo:http://www.dreamprojections.com/SyntaxHighlighter/Examples.aspx ...
www.jb51.net/article/54...htm 2024-6-3

虚拟机中的Linux安装VMware Tools的方法_系统工具_软件教程_脚本...

VM communication interface: [确定] VM communication interface socket family: [确定] Blocking file system: [确定] File system sync driver: [确定] Guest operating system daemon: [确定] Virtual Printing daemon: [确定] The configuration of VMware Tools 8.1.3 build-203739 for Linux for this running...
m.jb51.net/softjc/1891...html 2024-6-1