cisco交换机的端口显示 err-disable错误的解决办法
show interface 输出显示接口状态:
FastEthernet0/47 is down, line protocol is down (err-disabled)
sw1#show interfaces status
Port Name Status Vlan Duplex Speed Type
Fa0/47 err-disabled 1 auto auto 10/100BaseTX
如果出现了接口状态为err-disable,show interfaces status err-disabled命令能查看触发err-disable的原因。
下面示例原因为bpduguard,在连接了交换机的端口配置了spanning-tree bpduguard enable.
sw1#show interfaces status err-disabled
Port Name Status Reason
Fa0/47 err-disabled bpduguard
sw1#show errdisable detect
ErrDisable Reason Detection status
----------------- ----------------
udld Enabled
bpduguard Enabled
security-violatio Enabled
channel-misconfig Enabled
psecure-violation Enabled
dhcp-rate-limit Enabled
unicast-flood Enabled
vmps Enabled
pagp-flap Enabled
dtp-flap Enabled
link-flap Enabled
l2ptguard Enabled
gbic-invalid Enabled
loopback Enabled
dhcp-rate-limit Enabled
unicast-flood Enabled
具体由什么原因导致当前接口err-disable可以由show interface status err-disable来查看。
在接口模式下采用shutdown,no shutdown进行手动的激活。
这个可以由show errdisable recovery来查看,timer status下面所有的值都是disable.
下面的示例中,由于手工配置了bpduguard恢复,所以timer status的值变为Enable.
sw1#show errdisable recovery
ErrDisable Reason Timer Status
----------------- --------------
udld Disabled
bpduguard Enabled
security-violatio Disabled
channel-misconfig Disabled
vmps Disabled
pagp-flap Disabled
dtp-flap Disabled
link-flap Disabled
l2ptguard Disabled
psecure-violation Disabled
gbic-invalid Disabled
dhcp-rate-limit Disabled
unicast-flood Disabled
loopback Disabled
Timer interval: 300 seconds
Interfaces that will be enabled at the next timeout:
Interface Errdisable reason Time left(sec)
--------- ----------------- --------------
Fa0/47 bpduguard 217
sw1(config)#errdisable recovery cause bpduguard
sw1(config)#errdisable recovery cause ?
all Enable timer to recover from all causes
bpduguard Enable timer to recover from BPDU Guard error disable state
channel-misconfig Enable timer to recover from channel misconfig disable state
dhcp-rate-limit Enable timer to recover from dhcp-rate-limit error disable state
dtp-flap Enable timer to recover from dtp-flap error disable state
gbic-invalid Enable timer to recover from invalid GBIC error disable state
l2ptguard Enable timer to recover from l2protocol-tunnel error disable state
link-flap Enable timer to recover from link-flap error disable state
loopback Enable timer to recover from loopback detected disable state
pagp-flap Enable timer to recover from pagp-flap error disable state
psecure-violation Enable timer to recover from psecure violation disable state
security-violation Enable timer to recover from 802.1x violation disable state
udld Enable timer to recover from udld error disable state
unicast-flood Enable timer to recover from unicast flood disable state
vmps Enable timer to recover from vmps shutdown error disable
sw1(config)#errdisable recovery interval ?
<30-86400> timer-interval(sec)
sw1#udld reset
No ports are disabled by UDLD.
*Mar 15 15:47:19.984: %SPANTREE-2-BLOCK_BPDUGUARD: Received BPDU on port FastEthernet0/47 with BPDU Guard enabled. Disabling port.
*Mar 15 15:47:19.984: %PM-4-ERR_DISABLE: bpduguard error detected on Fa0/47, putting Fa0/47 in err-disable state
*Mar 15 15:47:21.996: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0/47, changed state to down
所以建议配置一个syslog server,收集log信息。
sw1#show interfaces status
Port Name Status Vlan Du…
开启errdisable功能,这样可以使用show errdisable来查看引发errdisable的原因是什么,再更加信息内容进行解决。
no errdisable detect cause loopback
执行一下,将已经死掉的端口,no sh 一下
switch#show interfaces status err-disabled
Port Name Status Reason
Fa0/22 err-disabled link-flap
Fa0/37 For office in 100K err-disabled link-flap
Fa0/41 unknow err-disabled link-flap
Fa0/42 Training Dc066 err-disabled link-flap
Fa0/45 Production line VM err-disabled link-flap
switch#show errdisable detect
ErrDisable Reason Detection status
----------------- ----------------
pagp-flap Enabled
dtp-flap Enabled
link-flap Enabled
l2ptguard Enabled
gbic-invalid Enabled
loopback Enabled
switch#show interfaces status err-disabled
Port Name Status Reason
Fa0/22 err-disabled link-flap
Fa0/37 For office in 100K err-disabled link-flap
Fa0/41 unknow err-disabled link-flap
Fa0/42 Training Dc066 err-disabled link-flap
Fa0/45 Production line VM err-disabled link-flap
switch#sh errdisable flap-values
ErrDisable Reason Flaps Time (sec)
----------------- ------ ----------
pagp-flap 3 30
dtp-flap 3 30
link-flap 5 10 ( link-flap 这就是因为链路质量不好导致的)
关闭errdisable detect
switch#no errdisable detect cause all
这样就解决了cisco交换机的端口显示“ err-disable”错误了,谢谢阅读,希望能帮到大家,请继续关注脚本之家,我们会努力分享更多优秀的文章。
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