更新时间:2023年09月06日 16:06:05 作者:橙木
前一段时间需要和一个tcp服务端进行数据交互,有约定好的数据报文格式,但是是以十六进制形式定义的的,所以在测试数据反馈的时候用python写了一个byte[]数据发送的tcp clinet端的测试demo
from socket import * import struct import time import sys def init(x):#初始化需要发送的list数组 lists = [[0]*8 for i in range(7)]#定义list的行列大小 for i in range(7): lists[i].append(0)#填充0 lists[i][3] = 5 lists[i][4] = int(x)#填充序号 lists[0][7] = 16#填充指令id lists[1][7] = 17 lists[2][7] = 18 lists[3][7] = 19 lists[4][7] = 20 lists[5][7] = 24 lists[6][7] = 25 return lists def main(): # 1.创建tcp_client_socket 套接字对象 tcp_client_socket = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM) # 作为客户端,主动连接服务器较多,一般不需要绑定端口 # 2.连接服务器 tcp_client_socket.connect(("",7001)) a = sys.argv[1] while True: for i in range(7): print(init(a)[i]) """无限循环可以实现无限发送""" # 3.向服务器发送数据 cmd = init(a)[i] to_server = "" for i in range(len(cmd)): to_server += chr(cmd[i]) print(repr(to_server)) print("发送的消息为:",to_server.encode()) tcp_client_socket.send(to_server.encode())# 在linux中默认是utf-8编码 # 在udp协议中使用的sendto() 因为udp发送的为数据报,包括ip port和数据, # 所以sendto()中需要传入address,而tcp为面向连接,再发送消息之前就已经连接上了目标主机 #time.sleep(1) # 4.接收服务器返回的消息 recv_data = tcp_client_socket.recv(1024) # 此处与udp不同,客户端已经知道消息来自哪台服务器,不需要用recvfrom了 if recv_data: print("返回的消息为:",recv_data) else: print("对方已离线。。") break tcp_client_socket.close() if __name__ == '__main__ main()
python tcp server-client
- 1、指定IP、端口号;
- 2、绑定;
- 3、开启监听;
- 4、接受连接创建socket;
- 5、收发数据
# tcp_server # coding=utf-8 # !/usr/bin/env python import socket import time import threading serverIP = "" serverPort = 10620 clientSocketList = [] # 放每个客户端的socket def init_server(): sockServer = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sockServer.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) server_addr = (serverIP, serverPort) sockServer.bind(server_addr) sockServer.listen(10) print(server_addr) print("The server has started, waiting for the client to connect ......") return sockServer def accept_client(sockServer): while True: time.sleep(0.1) clientSock, addr = sockServer.accept() strTime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') strPrint = 'connected from: {}'.format(addr) strPrint = strTime + strPrint print(strPrint) clientSock.setblocking(0) clientSocketList.append([clientSock, addr]) def server_Send(direction): while True: time.sleep(0.1) try: sendByte = bytes(direction) for clientInfo in clientSocketList: currClient, addr = clientInfo currClient.sendall(sendByte) print("to {}, send <{}> ".format(addr, sendByte)) except Exception as e: clientSocketList.remove(clientInfo) continue def server_Recv(): while True: time.sleep(0.1) for clientInfo in clientSocketList: # print(client.getsockname()) # print(client.getpeername()) currClient, addr = clientInfo try: dataRecv = currClient.recv(1024) except Exception as e: continue if not dataRecv: clientSocketList.remove(clientInfo) print("currClient{} has closeed.\n".format(addr)) continue try: direction = float(dataRecv) strTime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') strRecv = "from {} recv len={}, data={}".format(addr, len(dataRecv), direction) print(strRecv) except Exception as e: print(e) pass if __name__ == '__main__': sockServer = init_server() threadCheckClient = threading.Thread(target=accept_client, args=(sockServer, )) # 子线程 # threadCheckClient.setDaemon(True) threadCheckClient.start() threadSend = threading.Thread(target=server_Recv) # 子线程 # threadSend.setDaemon(True) threadSend.start()
# tcp_client # coding=utf-8 # !/usr/bin/env python import socket import sys, time from threading import Thread serverIP = '' serverPort = 10620 def init_client(): tcp_client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: tcp_client.connect((serverIP, serverPort)) except socket.error: print('fail to setup socket connection') return tcp_client def client_Send(tcp_client): while True: time.sleep(0.1) time.sleep(1) try: strTime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') strTime = str(12345.5678909) sendBytes =strTime.encode() tcp_client.sendall(sendBytes) print(sendBytes) except Exception as e: break def client_Recv(tcp_client): while True: time.sleep(0.1) try: dataRecv = tcp_client.recv(1024) # 到这里程序继续向下执行 except Exception as e: continue if not dataRecv: break else: strTime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') strRecv = "from server recv len={}, data={}".format( len(dataRecv), dataRecv) strPrint = strTime + strRecv print(strPrint) if __name__ == "__main__": tcp_client = init_client() threadSend = Thread(target=client_Send, args=(tcp_client, )) # 子线程 threadSend.start()
关于Python 多重继承时metaclass conflict问题解决与原理探究
这篇文章主要介绍了Python 多重继承时metaclass conflict问题解决与原理探究 ,需要的朋友可以参考下2022-10-10Python 计算机视觉编程进阶之OpenCV 图像锐化及边缘检测