
  发布时间:2010-02-27 15:42:11   作者:佚名   我要评论
50例强大璀璨的CSS3/JS 技术运用。CSS3来了。虽然支持的浏览器很有限,但 许多设计师都在实验它的强大功能。本文可以让你了解css3的新技术和功能。

Create a Beautiful Looking Custom Dialog Box With jQuery and CSS3
This custom dialog box is one of the scripts in that website and I think it will be quite useful for all of us. The reason I have this custom dialog box is to overcome the inconsistencies across different browsers. And, of course, it uses CSS3 to style everything.
Css3-last-00 in 50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques
Drop-In Modals with CSS3
For those using WebKit based browsers (Safari and Chrome), CSS3 effects and properties can help you create fast, simple modals by using transforms, animation, and some subtle design cues.
Css3-last-13 in 50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques
Newspaper Layouts with Columns and Image Masks
The faux-newspaper look goes in and out of style online pretty frequently, but these tricks can be used for quite a few cool applications. What we’ll talk about here is using -webkit-mask-image and -webkit-column-count.
Css3-last-14 in 50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques 网页制作Webjx文章简介:50例强大璀璨的CSS3/JS 技术运用。CSS3来了。虽然支持的浏览器很有限,但 许多设计师都在实验它的强大功能。本文可以让你了解css3的新技术和功能。 CSS 3 Transitions and Animations
Going Nuts with CSS Transitions
I’m going to show you how CSS 3 transforms and WebKit transitions can add zing to the way you present images on your site.
Css-010 in 50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques
Sliding Vinyl with CSS3
We take a standard album cover, a little HTML, and some CSS3 transitions and transforms to create a sliding vinyl effect for showing off the music you love.
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Fun with CSS3 and Mootols
These examples came about when experimenting with the extend property in MooTools. By extending the styles class I could add CSS3 properties into the Core MooTools framework and do CSS3 animations.
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Star Wars HTML and CSS: A NEW HOPE
There are a lot of CSS transitions experiments going on right now. Yesterday I discovered another HTML and CSS experiment which went “far far away”, compared with my simple CSS gallery.
Guillermo Esteves presented a piece of history translated for tomorrows browsers: the Star Wars Episode IV opening crawl in HTML and CSS.
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Fun with 3D CSS and video
Zach Johnson has been having fun with 3D effects via CSS such as his isocube above, which is brought to you with simple HTML (including a video tag for a playing video on the surface!) and some CSS.
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CSS3 animations and their jQuery equivalents
This tutorial/these examples will show the use of the same HTML, with different classes for CSS3 and jQuery. You can compare both the codes and see which one you like more. Don’t forget to check the demo/download the source code to view how everything is working under the hood.
Css-040 in 50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques
CSS Animations
No matter how fast internet tubes or servers are, we’ll always need spinners to indicate something’s happening behind the scenes.
Css-009 in 50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques
Snowy CSS3 Animation
It’s cold and snowy down here in Brighton, so to celebrate the falling white stuff (and of course the various festivities at this time of year) Clearleft’s very own Natbat has made a snowy CSS3 animation surprise for all you Safari and Chrome users out there.
Css-005 in 50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques
What You Need To Know About Behavioral CSS
In this article, we will take those properties a step further and explore transformations, transitions, and animations. We’ll go over the code itself, available support and some examples to show exactly how these new properties improve not only your designs but the overall user experience.
Css-038 in 50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques
3D Cube using new CSS transformations
The impression of a three dimensional cube can be created using modern CSS techniques, without the need for JavaScript, imagery, canvas or SVG. Using the proprietary transform property to skew and rotate shaded rectangles, individual cube faces can combine to form a 3D object.
Css-139 in 50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques
Playing around with WebKit Animations
I’ve been playing around doing a KeyNote like animation done with CSS and some JS to hook up the necessary events. The animation is kind of like a deck of cards. When you go to the next one the current one zooms in and fades out, symbolizing getting closer to the viewer. The next card then zooms and fades in from the back and to give a fancy effect-
Css-133 in 50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques
More on 3D CSS Transforms
Various 3D CSS Transforms in an overview.
Css3-last-15 in 50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques 网页制作Webjx文章简介:50例强大璀璨的CSS3/JS 技术运用。CSS3来了。虽然支持的浏览器很有限,但 许多设计师都在实验它的强大功能。本文可以让你了解css3的新技术和功能。 Gradients, RGBA and HSL with CSS 3
Working With RGBA Colour
CSS3 introduces a couple of new ways to specify colours, and one of those is RGBA. The A stands for Alpha, which refers to the level of opacity of the colour, or to put it another way, the amount of transparency. This means that we can set not only the red, green and blue values, but also control how much of what’s behind the colour shows through. Like with layers in Photoshop.
Css-007 in 50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques
CSS3 Gradients: No Image Aqua Button
I played around with WebKit CSS3 gradient and created a useless but fun stuff – an Aqua button with no images! Back in the time when Mac OS X was first announced, there’re a plenty of web tutorials that describe how to create the sexy aqua button with Photoshop, and now I can show how to create one with CSS!
Css-164 in 50 Brilliant CSS3/JavaScript Coding Techniques


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  • css3中nth-child()的用法示例代码

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  • css3实现动画无限循环示例讲解

    要在CSS3中实现动画的无限循环,你可以使用animation 属性和 infinite 关键字,下面通过示例代码讲解css3实现动画无限循环的方法,感兴趣的朋友一起看看吧
  • CSS3 属性之transition过渡 与 transform动画示例代码

    CSS3 提供了很多强大的功能,使开发人员可以创建更加吸引人的视觉效果,而不需要依赖于 JavaScript 或 Flash,下面我们将详细介绍这两个属性的使用方法并给出代码示例,感
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  • CSS3几种实现子容器水平垂直居中的方法

  • CSS的浮动及清除浮动的5种方法介绍

  • 使用CSS3实现文字带轮廓边框特效的方法

  • 纯CSS实现开关按钮切换效果简洁易用

