最后的平面造型设计指南(Ultimate Guide to Graphic Design) PDF 影印版[67M]

  • 书籍大小:67.75MB
  • 书籍语言:简体中文
  • 书籍类型:国产软件
  • 书籍授权:免费软件
  • 书籍类别:图形图像
  • 应用平台:Windows平台
  • 更新时间:2013-03-28
  • 购买链接:
  • 网友评分:
360通过 腾讯通过 金山通过





8 david carson
14 line art
20 photoshop for free
26 managing your photos
32 masterclass:using photoshop to create convin cing rain effects
36 masterclass:create tealistic,torn notebook paper in photoshop
39 masterclass:creating panographic collaged images
42 masterclass:create isometric projections
45 masterclass:cteate your own customised maps
50 actions
52 adjustment layers
54 adobe bridge
56 backgrounds
58 baseline grid
60 batch processing 1
62 batch processing 2
64 bezier curves 1
66 bezier curves 2
68 colour spaces
70 colour spaces
72 distortion
74 dodge and burn
76 embossing
78 extracting images
80 fill and stroke
82 filters
84 free-to-use pictures
86 free transform
88 gradients
90 graphics tablets
92 graphs in Illustrator
94 grep styles in indesign cs4
96 hard light mode
98 history
100 history
102 image stacks
104 isometric projection
106 jargon
108 joining and splitting paths in Illustrator
110 jpeg
112 kerning and tracking
114 key commands 1
116 key commands 2
118 layer blending
120 layer styles
122 light and shade
124 liquify filter
126 masks in Illustrator and photoshop
128 measurements from a photo130 moving objects
132 noise reduction
134 non-destructive editing
136 open type
138 optimising photoshop
140 paragraph rules
142 pathfinder panel
144 fdfs
146 perspective
148 plug-ins
150 quiceys
152 quick mask
154 raw images
156 refine edge
158 reflections
160 rule of thirds
162 smart objects
1664 smart guides
166 style sheets
168 text edit
172 thpography
174 unknown fonts
176 unsharp mask
178 upscaling
180 vector vs bitmap
184 workspaces
186 wrapping text
188 x and y axes
190 z axis
192 zooming images



最后的平面造型设计指南(Ultimate Guide to Graphic Design) PDF 影印版[67M]



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