pip install pyzjr -i
import pyzjr as pz # 实例化对象 Mpdf = pz.Microsoft2PDF() # 调用类的方法 Mpdf.Word2Pdf() # word -> pdf Mpdf.Excel2Pdf() # excel -> pdf Mpdf.PPt2Pdf() # ppt -> pdf Mpdf.WEP2Pdf() # word,excel,ppt -> pdf
import win32com.client, gc, os class Microsoft2PDF(): """Convert Microsoft Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) to PDF format""" def __init__(self,filePath = ""): """ :param filePath: 如果默认是空字符,就默认当前路径 """ self.flagW = self.flagE = self.flagP = 1 self.words = [] self.ppts = [] self.excels = [] if filePath == "": filePath = os.getcwd() folder = filePath + '\\pdf\\' self.folder = CreateFolder(folder,debug=False) self.filePath = filePath for i in os.listdir(self.filePath): if i.endswith(('.doc', 'docx')): self.words.append(i) if i.endswith(('.ppt', 'pptx')): self.ppts.append(i) if i.endswith(('.xls', 'xlsx')): self.excels.append(i) if len(self.words) < 1: print("\n[pyzjr]:No Word files\n") self.flagW = 0 if len(self.ppts) < 1: print("\n[pyzjr]:No PPT file\n") self.flagE = 0 if len(self.excels) < 1: print("\n[pyzjr]:No Excel file\n") self.flagP = 0 def Word2Pdf(self): if self.flagW == 0: return 0 else: print("\n[Start Word ->PDF conversion]") try: print("Open Word Process...") word = win32com.client.Dispatch("Word.Application") word.Visible = 0 word.DisplayAlerts = False doc = None for i in range(len(self.words)): print(i) fileName = self.words[i] # file name fromFile = os.path.join(self.filePath, fileName) # file address toFileName = self.changeSufix2Pdf(fileName) # Generated file name toFile = self.toFileJoin(toFileName) # Generated file address print("Conversion:" + fileName + "in files...") try: doc = word.Documents.Open(fromFile) doc.SaveAs(toFile, 17) print("Convert to:" + toFileName + "file completion") except Exception as e: print(e) print("All Word files have been printed") print("End Word Process...\n") doc.Close() doc = None word.Quit() word = None except Exception as e: print(e) finally: gc.collect() def Excel2Pdf(self): if self.flagE == 0: return 0 else: print("\n[Start Excel -> PDF conversion]") try: print("open Excel Process...") excel = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application") excel.Visible = 0 excel.DisplayAlerts = False wb = None ws = None for i in range(len(self.excels)): print(i) fileName = self.excels[i] fromFile = os.path.join(self.filePath, fileName) print("Conversion:" + fileName + "in files...") try: wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(fromFile) for j in range(wb.Worksheets.Count): # Number of worksheets, one workbook may have multiple worksheets toFileName = self.addWorksheetsOrder(fileName, j + 1) toFile = self.toFileJoin(toFileName) ws = wb.Worksheets(j + 1) ws.ExportAsFixedFormat(0, toFile) print("Convert to:" + toFileName + "file completion") except Exception as e: print(e) # 关闭 Excel 进程 print("All Excel files have been printed") print("Ending Excel process...\n") ws = None wb.Close() wb = None excel.Quit() excel = None except Exception as e: print(e) finally: gc.collect() def PPt2Pdf(self): if self.flagP == 0: return 0 else: print("\n[Start PPT ->PDF conversion]") try: print("Opening PowerPoint process...") powerpoint = win32com.client.Dispatch("PowerPoint.Application") ppt = None for i in range(len(self.ppts)): print(i) fileName = self.ppts[i] fromFile = os.path.join(self.filePath, fileName) toFileName = self.changeSufix2Pdf(fileName) toFile = self.toFileJoin(toFileName) print("Conversion:" + fileName + "in files...") try: ppt = powerpoint.Presentations.Open(fromFile, WithWindow=False) if ppt.Slides.Count > 0: ppt.SaveAs(toFile, 32) print("Convert to:" + toFileName + "file completion") else: print("Error, unexpected: This file is empty, skipping this file") except Exception as e: print(e) print("All PPT files have been printed") print("Ending PowerPoint process...\n") ppt.Close() ppt = None powerpoint.Quit() powerpoint = None except Exception as e: print(e) finally: gc.collect() def WEP2Pdf(self): """ Word, Excel and PPt are all converted to PDF. If there are many files, it may take some time """ print("Convert Microsoft Three Musketeers to PDF") self.Word2Pdf() self.Excel2Pdf() self.PPt2Pdf() print(f"All files have been converted, you can find them in the {self.folder}") def changeSufix2Pdf(self,file): """将文件后缀更改为.pdf""" return file[:file.rfind('.')] + ".pdf" def addWorksheetsOrder(self,file, i): """在文件名中添加工作表顺序""" return file[:file.rfind('.')] + "_worksheet" + str(i) + ".pdf" def toFileJoin(self, file): """将文件路径和文件名连接为完整的文件路径""" return os.path.join(self.filePath, 'pdf', file[:file.rfind('.')] + ".pdf")
到此这篇关于python实现word/excel/ppt批量转pdf的示例代码的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关python pdf内容请搜索脚本之家以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持脚本之家!