cdaengine0400.dll 手工删除方法
发布时间:2013-03-20 15:58:46 作者:佚名 我要评论
cdaEngine0400.dll has earlier been reported as spyware, but new reports show that newer versions of the file is clean. We still don't have the file though, and only provide removal instructions.
Uninstall notice for WildTangent
Notice that removing WildTangent may cause the program that bundled
it to not function as intended.
Uninstall procedure
Uninstall WildTangent from "Add/Remove Programs" in the Windows® Control Panel.
The vendor is also offering uninstall instructions. If you run into problems
uninstalling, please contact the vendor for support. Note that you will not
be able to play WildTangent games if you decide to uninstall.
Earlier versions of WildTangent's uninstaller leaved a large number of files
in the "%WinDir%\wt\" folder which can be deleted manually after running the
Note: %WinDir% is a variable (?). By default, this is
C:\Windows (Windows 95/98/Me/XP) or C:\WINNT (Windows NT/2000).
Uninstall notice for WildTangent
Notice that removing WildTangent may cause the program that bundled
it to not function as intended.
Uninstall procedure
Uninstall WildTangent from "Add/Remove Programs" in the Windows® Control Panel.
The vendor is also offering uninstall instructions. If you run into problems
uninstalling, please contact the vendor for support. Note that you will not
be able to play WildTangent games if you decide to uninstall.
Earlier versions of WildTangent's uninstaller leaved a large number of files
in the "%WinDir%\wt\" folder which can be deleted manually after running the
Note: %WinDir% is a variable (?). By default, this is
C:\Windows (Windows 95/98/Me/XP) or C:\WINNT (Windows NT/2000).
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