OllyDBG(OD动态调试工具) V2.01 Alpha 4 中文绿色汉化版

  • 软件大小:2.4MB
  • 软件语言:简体中文
  • 软件类型:汉化软件
  • 软件授权:免费软件
  • 软件类别:反 编 译
  • 应用平台:Windows平台
  • 软件官网:
  • 更新时间:2012-07-31
  • 网友评分:
360通过 腾讯通过 金山通过


OllyDBG是一个新的动态追踪工具,OllyDBG将IDA与SoftICE结合起来的思想,Ring 3级调试器,非常容易上手,己代替SoftICE成为当今最为流行的调试解密工具了。强烈推荐

OllyDbg 2.01 alpha 4 更新日志:

- Patch manager, similar to 1.10
- Shortcut editor, supports weird things like Ctrl+Win+$ etc. Now you can customize and share your shortcuts. I haven't tested it on Win7, please report any found bugs and incompatibilities!
- Instant .udd file loading. In the previous versions I've postponed analysis, respectivcely reading of the .udd file till the moment when all external links are resolved. But sometimes it took plenty of time, module started execution and was unable to break on the breakpoints placed in the DLL initialization routine
- Automatic search for the SFX entry point, very raw and works only with several packers. Should be significantly more reliable than 1.10. If you tried it on some SFX and OllyDbg was unable to find real entry, please send me, if possible, the link or executable for analysis!
- "Go to" dialog lists of matching names in all modules
- Logging breakpoints can protocol multiple expressions. Here is an example: I ask OllyDbg to protocol the contents of EAX, EBX and 4 memory doublewords starting at address ESP. Expressions must be separated by commas, repeat count has form SIZE*N, N=1..32:

脚本之家提醒您:OllyDBG 2.01 Alpha 4 汉化版在Win7下运行异常,XP则正常运行。原版在Win7/XP都正常运行。



OllyDBG(OD动态调试工具) V2.01 Alpha 4 中文绿色汉化版




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