IconViewer(ICON图标查看提取工具) v3.02 官方免费安装版


  • 软件大小:1.2MB
  • 软件语言:英文软件
  • 软件类型:国外软件
  • 软件授权:免费软件
  • 软件类别:图标工具
  • 应用平台:Windows平台
  • 软件官网:
  • 更新时间:2024-05-10
  • 网友评分:
360通过 腾讯通过 金山通过







2、我们这里win10所以选择 IconViewer3.02-Setup-x64.exe 版本,双击运行安装


3、点击后 接受 协议 下一步

4、如果看到 如下选项,可以选择也可以不选择,一般开始菜单我们也用不到

然后下一页,看到如下提示 就说明安装成功了

是不是开始菜单与安装目录里面都么有界面,是的,这个直接就是在你想保存图标的exe文件上面,点击 右键 属性即可



高级选项Advanced Setup Options

IconViewer's installation package (e.g. IconViewer3.01-Setup-x86.exe) can accept several command-line switches for modifying the setup experience. These can be used to assist in deployment.

In addition, once installed, the setup program setup.exe can accept command-line switches for uninstall.

Install - Command-line switches

package.exe [/passive | /quiet] [/u:unattend.txt]
passiveUnattended Setup mode. No user interaction is required, but installation status is displayed.
quietQuiet mode. This is the same as unattended mode, but no status or error messages are displayed.
u:unattend.txtInstall options will be retrieved from the file unattend.txt. See the section Using an unattend file below for more information.

When in passive or quiet mode, and an unttend file is not specified or does not specify all options, Setup will use default install options.

Note: When in passive or quiet mode, the IconViewer license agreement is not displayed to the end user. You must read and agree to the License Agreement before installing IconViewer on your computer or deploying it to another computer.

Uninstall - Command-line switches

Setup.exe is located in the folder in which you installed IconViewer, e.g. C:\Program Files\IconViewer.

setup.exe /uninstall [/passive | /quiet] [/u:unattend.txt]
uninstallRequired for uninstall.
passiveUnattended Setup mode. No user interaction is required, but uninstallation status is displayed.
quietQuiet mode. This is the same as unattended mode, but no status or error messages are displayed.
u:unattend.txtUninstall options will be retrieved from the file unattend.txt. See the section Using an unattend file below for more information.

When in passive or quiet mode, and an unttend file is not specified or does not specify all options, Setup will use default uninstall options.

Using an unattend file

An unattend file is used to specify responses to the questions that the Setup wizard asks during installation. For normal mode (that is, when the quiet or passive switches are not specified), Setup uses the unattend file's values to populate the wizard, but the user can change the settings. In passive and quiet mode, the unattend file's values are used and cannot be changed.

An unattend file has the same format as a standard Windows configuration (ini) file. It consists of sections, containing key/value pairs.

Settings used during install only:

The folder to install IconViewer into. You may use environment variables, such as %ProgramFiles%.

The default installation folder is %ProgramFiles%\IconViewer.

Whether to create a Start Menu shortcut to the IconViewer help file. Set to one of the following values:

1Create the shortcut.
0(Default) Do not create the shortcut.
Whether to create a Start Menu shortcut for uninstalling IconViewer. Set to one of the following values:

1Create the shortcut.
0(Default) Do not create the shortcut.
Where to create IconViewer Start Menu shortcuts. Set to one of the following values:

0(Default) Let Setup decide. If only one shortcut is to be created, create it in the main Programs folder; if more than one, create them in the IconViewer subfolder.
1Create the shortcut(s) in the main Programs folder.
2Create the shortcut(s) in a new subfolder specified by the SMNewFolder setting.
3Create the shortcut(s) in the existing subfolder specified by the SMExistingFolder setting.
The new Start Menu folder that should be created for the program shortcut(s), if the SMFolderType setting or the user specifies to create a new folder.

The default folder is named IconViewer.

The existing Start Menu folder that in which to create shortcut(s), if the SMFolderType setting or the user specifies to use an existing folder.

This setting is only used if SMFolderType=3. If the folder does not exist, it will be treated as the value of SMNewFolder and SMFolderType will be treated as 2.

Settings used during uninstall only:

Whether to delete user-specific IconViewer settings. On Windows 95, 98, and Me, this only includes settings for the user currently logged in. On Windows NT, 2000, XP, and newer versions, this includes all users who have used IconViewer on the local machine. Set to one of the following values:

1(Default) Delete the settings.
0Do not delete the settings.
Whether to delete machine-wide IconViewer settings (those that apply to all users). Set to one of the following values:

1(Default) Delete the settings.
0Do not delete the settings.

Following is an example of an unattend file for IconViewer:

InstallPath=%ProgramFiles%\My Folder
SMNewFolder=IconViewer Help

When specifying an unattend file on the command line, you may use an individual file name, relative path, or absolute path. If the path or file name contains spaces, enclose it in quotes. For example:

IconViewer3.01-Setup-x86.exe /quiet
   /u:"C:\My Files\unattend.txt"





IconViewer(ICON图标查看提取工具) v3.02 官方免费安装版




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