前阵子做了个《人工智能》 的课程作业,然后写了个人工智障。。。大概就是个可以跟你下五子棋的傻儿子。。。下面是代码和效果
1、 摘要
(1) 五子棋界面实现;
(2) 智能判定棋盘走势;
(3) 改进了棋盘扫描方式;
(4) 改良了系统评分表评估方式;
(5) 实现了基于点评分表估值找出最佳落子方式。
2、 问题描述、知识表达
2.1 问题描述
2.2 知识表达
(1) 棋盘局面表示法
(2) 棋局胜利判定
(3) 棋型知识库
(4) 智能博弈流程
对于问题(1),采用数组表示法。棋盘中的各交叉点有三种状态,不妨令 0表示空(未放置棋子) ,-1 表示有黑子 ,1 表示有白子,数组表示法的基本思想是:以交叉点对应的数组索引值来表达物理位置 ,以交叉点对应的元素值表达状态(空、 黑子、 白子)。令 V = {0 ,1 ,-1} ,棋盘 的第 i 个交叉点的状态 Si ∈V ,任何棋局都可以表示成一个 n ×n 的二元组。
对于问题(2), 采用数组表示法时,想知道任意两个元素 Si 和Sj 是否共线,要通过 i 和 j 之间的数值规律来判断。从这方面看,数组表示法是一种原始、低效的表示方法,但是对于评分表算法来说其性能损失是可以接受的。要判断是否有一方已经胜利,只需要对整个棋盘判定当前落子点的纵、横、正斜、反斜四个方向的最长延伸出四个位置看是否能连成一条同色直线即可。具体的操作可以视为:从落子点出发,向两个方向延伸,如果遇到同色,那么计数器加一,遇到非同色(空白或者异色)则停止在该方向的延伸,一个计数器记下该方向上的两头的连续同色棋子数。等到四个方向都探索完毕,如果四个计数器中有一个计数器达到了5,那么即可判断出已经有五子连珠了,此局结束。
² 活四 :有两个连五点(即有两个点可以形成五),图中白点即为连五点。当活四出现的时候,整个局势已经无法阻止连五了,活四的归属方一定能取得胜利;
² 冲四 :有一个连五点,如下面三图,均为冲四棋型。图中白点为连五点。 相对比活四来说,冲四的威胁性就小了很多,因为这个时候,只要跟着防守在那个唯一的连五点上,冲四就没法形成连五。
² 活三 :可以形成活四的三,如下图,代表两种最基本的活三棋型。图中白点为活四点。活三棋型是进攻中最常见的一种,因为活三之后,如果对方不以理会,将可以下一手将活三变成活四,而活四是无法防守的。所以,面对活三的时候,需要非常谨慎对待。在没有更好的进攻手段的情况下,必须对其进行防守,以防止其形成可怕的活四棋型。
² 眠三: 只能够形成冲四的三,如下各图,分别代表最基础的六种眠三形状。图中白点代表冲四点。眠三的棋型与活三的棋型相比,危险系数下降不少,因为眠三棋型即使不去防守,下一手它也只能形成冲四,而对于单纯的冲四棋型,是可以很简单的防守住的。
² 活二 :能够形成活三的二,如下图,是三种基本的活二棋型。图中白点为活三点。
² 眠二 :能够形成眠三的二。图中四个为最基本的眠二棋型,细心且喜欢思考的同学会根据眠三介绍中的图2-13找到与下列四个基本眠二棋型都不一样的眠二。图中白点为眠三点。
3、 开发工具
本次课程设计,一共设计了两个版本,一个Java版本,为19X19的棋盘,配备简单的消息提示,基于AWT实现GUI,开发工具IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1
另一个版本是使用Python设计,核心算法相同,但是受限于图片源文件,为15X15棋盘,基于pygame实现GUI,开发工具是:JetBrains PyCharm 2018.2.4 x64
4、 代码实现
from time import sleep import pygame from pygame.locals import * from random import randint level = 15 grade = 10 MAX = 1008611 def Scan(chesspad, color): shape = [[[0 for high in range(5)] for col in range(15)] for row in range(15)] # 扫描每一个点,然后在空白的点每一个方向上做出价值评估!! for i in range(15): for j in range(15): # 如果此处为空 那么就可以开始扫描周边 if chesspad[i][j] == 0: m = i n = j # 如果上方跟当前传入的颜色参数一致,那么加分到0位! while n - 1 >= 0 and chesspad[m][n - 1] == color: n -= 1 shape[i][j][0] += grade if n-1>=0 and chesspad[m][n - 1] == 0: shape[i][j][0] += 1 if n-1 >= 0 and chesspad[m][n - 1] == -color: shape[i][j][0] -= 2 m = i n = j # 如果下方跟当前传入的颜色参数一致,那么加分到0位! while (n + 1 < level and chesspad[m][n + 1] == color): n += 1 shape[i][j][0] += grade if n + 1 < level and chesspad[m][n + 1] == 0: shape[i][j][0] += 1 if n + 1 < level and chesspad[m][n + 1] == -color: shape[i][j][0] -= 2 m = i n = j # 如果左边跟当前传入的颜色参数一致,那么加分到1位! while (m - 1 >= 0 and chesspad[m - 1][n] == color): m -= 1 shape[i][j][1] += grade if m - 1 >= 0 and chesspad[m - 1][n] == 0: shape[i][j][1] += 1 if m - 1 >= 0 and chesspad[m - 1][n] == -color: shape[i][j][1] -= 2 m = i n = j # 如果右边跟当前传入的颜色参数一致,那么加分到1位! while (m + 1 < level and chesspad[m + 1][n] == color): m += 1 shape[i][j][1] += grade if m + 1 < level and chesspad[m + 1][n] == 0: shape[i][j][1] += 1 if m + 1 < level and chesspad[m + 1][n] == -color: shape[i][j][1] -= 2 m = i n = j # 如果左下方跟当前传入的颜色参数一致,那么加分到2位! while (m - 1 >= 0 and n + 1 < level and chesspad[m - 1][n + 1] == color): m -= 1 n += 1 shape[i][j][2] += grade if m - 1 >= 0 and n + 1 < level and chesspad[m - 1][n + 1] == 0: shape[i][j][2] += 1 if m - 1 >= 0 and n + 1 < level and chesspad[m - 1][n + 1] == -color: shape[i][j][2] -= 2 m = i n = j # 如果右上方跟当前传入的颜色参数一致,那么加分到2位! while (m + 1 < level and n - 1 >= 0 and chesspad[m + 1][n - 1] == color): m += 1 n -= 1 shape[i][j][2] += grade if m + 1 < level and n - 1 >= 0 and chesspad[m + 1][n - 1] == 0: shape[i][j][2] += 1 if m + 1 < level and n - 1 >= 0 and chesspad[m + 1][n - 1] == -color: shape[i][j][2] -= 2 m = i n = j # 如果左上方跟当前传入的颜色参数一致,那么加分到3位! while (m - 1 >= 0 and n - 1 >= 0 and chesspad[m - 1][n - 1] == color): m -= 1 n -= 1 shape[i][j][3] += grade if m - 1 >= 0 and n - 1 >= 0 and chesspad[m - 1][n - 1] == 0: shape[i][j][3] += 1 if m - 1 >= 0 and n - 1 >= 0 and chesspad[m - 1][n - 1] == -color: shape[i][j][3] -= 2 m = i n = j # 如果右下方跟当前传入的颜色参数一致,那么加分到3位! while m + 1 < level and n + 1 < level and chesspad[m + 1][n + 1] == color: m += 1 n += 1 shape[i][j][3] += grade if m + 1 < level and n + 1 < level and chesspad[m + 1][n + 1] == 0: shape[i][j][3] += 1 if m + 1 < level and n + 1 < level and chesspad[m + 1][n + 1] == -color: shape[i][j][3] -= 2 return shape def Sort(shape): for i in shape: for j in i: for x in range(5): for w in range(3, x - 1, -1): if j[w - 1] < j[w]: temp = j[w] j[w - 1] = j[w] j[w] = temp print("This Time Sort Done !") return shape def Evaluate(shape): for i in range(level): for j in range(level): if shape[i][j][0] == 4: return i, j, MAX shape[i][j][4] = shape[i][j][0]*1000 + shape[i][j][1]*100 + shape[i][j][2]*10 + shape[i][j][3] max_x = 0 max_y = 0 max = 0 for i in range(15): for j in range(15): if max < shape[i][j][4]: max = shape[i][j][4] max_x = i max_y = j print("the max is "+ str(max) + " at ( "+ str(max_x)+" , "+str(max_y)+" )") return max_x, max_y, max class chess(object): def __init__(self): self.a = [[0 for high in range(15)] for col in range(15)] def fall(self, x, y, color): if (x < 0 or x > level - 1 or y < 0 or y > level - 1): return self.a[x][y] = color if Judge(x, y, color, self.a, 4): if color < 0: print("The Winner is White!!") else: print("The Winner is Black!!") def isEmpty(self, m, n): if self.a[m][n] != 0: return False else: return True def Judge(x, y, color, CHESSLOCATION, length): count1, count2, count3, count4 = 0, 0, 0, 0 # 横向判断 i = x - 1 while (i >= 0): if color == CHESSLOCATION[i][y]: count1 += 1 i -= 1 else: break i = x + 1 while i < level: if CHESSLOCATION[i][y] == color: count1 += 1 i += 1 else: break # 纵向判断 j = y - 1 while (j >= 0): if CHESSLOCATION[x][j] == color: count2 += 1 j -= 1 else: break j = y + 1 while j < level: if CHESSLOCATION[x][j] == color: count2 += 1 j += 1 else: break # 正对角线判断 i, j = x - 1, y - 1 while (i >= 0 and j >= 0): if CHESSLOCATION[i][j] == color: count3 += 1 i -= 1 j -= 1 else: break i, j = x + 1, y + 1 while (i < level and j < level): if CHESSLOCATION[i][j] == color: count3 += 1 i += 1 j += 1 else: break # 反对角线判断 i, j = x + 1, y - 1 while (i < level and j >= 0): if CHESSLOCATION[i][j] == color: count4 += 1 i += 1 j -= 1 else: break i, j = x - 1, y + 1 while (i > 0 and j < level): if CHESSLOCATION[i][j] == color: count4 += 1 i -= 1 j += 1 else: break if count1 >= length or count2 >= length or count3 >= length or count4 >= length: return True else: return False def Autoplay(ch, m, n): a1 = [1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,0,0] b1 = [1,-1,-1,1,0,0,1,-1] rand = randint(0,7) while m+a1[rand]>=0 and m+a1[rand]<level and n+b1[rand]>=0 and n+b1[rand]<level and ch[m+a1[rand]][n+b1[rand]]!=0 : rand = randint(0,7) return m + a1[rand], n+b1[rand] def BetaGo(ch, m, n, color, times): if times < 2: return Autoplay(ch, m, n) else: shape_P = Scan(ch, -color) shape_C = Scan(ch,color) shape_P = Sort(shape_P) shape_C = Sort(shape_C) max_x_P, max_y_P, max_P = Evaluate(shape_P) max_x_C, max_y_C, max_C = Evaluate(shape_C) if max_P>max_C and max_C<MAX: return max_x_P,max_y_P else: return max_x_C,max_y_C def satrtGUI(ch): pygame.init() bg = 'bg.png' white_image = 'white.png' black_image = 'black.png' screen = pygame.display.set_mode((750, 750), 0, 32) background = pygame.image.load(bg).convert() white = pygame.image.load(white_image).convert_alpha() black = pygame.image.load(black_image).convert_alpha() white = pygame.transform.smoothscale(white, (int(white.get_width() * 1.5), int(white.get_height() * 1.5))) black = pygame.transform.smoothscale(black, (int(black.get_width() * 1.5), int(black.get_height() * 1.5))) screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) font = pygame.font.SysFont("黑体", 40) pygame.event.set_blocked([1, 4, KEYUP, JOYAXISMOTION, JOYBALLMOTION, JOYBUTTONDOWN, JOYBUTTONUP, JOYHATMOTION]) pygame.event.set_allowed([MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, MOUSEBUTTONUP, 12, KEYDOWN]) dot_list = [(25 + i * 50 - white.get_width() / 2, 25 + j * 50 - white.get_height() / 2) for i in range(level) for j in range(level)] color = -1 times = 0 flag = False while not flag: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: exit() elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if 25 <= x <= 725 and 25 <= y <= 725 and ((x - 25) % 50 <= level or (x - 25) % 50 >= 0) and ( (y - 25) % 50 <= level or (y - 25) % 50 >= 0): color = -1 * color m = int(round((x - 25) / 50)) n = int(round((y - 25) / 50)) if not ch.isEmpty(m, n): print("Black OverWrite~~") continue ch.fall(m, n, color) screen.blit(black, dot_list[level * m + n]) if Judge(m, n, color, ch.a, 4): screen.blit(font.render('GAME OVER,Black is win!', True, (110, 210, 30)), (80, 650)) break color = -1 * color sleep(0.1) x, y = BetaGo(ch.a, m, n, color, times) times += 1 print("Predict:" + str(x) + " and " + str(y)) ch.fall(x, y, color) screen.blit(white, dot_list[level * x + y]) if Judge(x, y, color, ch.a, 4): screen.blit(font.render('GAME OVER,White is win!', True, (217, 20, 30)), (80, 650)) break pygame.display.update() if flag: sleep(5) now = chess() satrtGUI(now)
5、 小结及展望
5.1 小结
(1) 对棋盘局势的判断力不够,因为只是简单的对当前的棋盘局势进行判断,基本等同于一个粗通规则而且天赋不高的五子棋选手。如果对手很细心,而且熟练经营各种布局策略,那么基本这个算法就会被钻研出习惯,从而被轻易针对,而且针对方案百试不爽;
(2) 判断棋局形式的时候对边界的评分算法跟中心区域的评分算法一致,无法有效提前识别边界,降低边界空白点的权重;
(3) 用户图形界面需要改进,另外可以增设PK模式以及选色、选择棋盘大小功能等;
5.2 展望
另外,可以通过在课堂上学到的知识,比如BFS、DFS、A*算法、决策树算法 等应用于五子棋的智能决策中。