更新时间:2022年06月02日 10:04:55 作者:普通学长
a. 词条录入:即添加单词记录。
b. 信息显示:将所有的单词按字母顺序显示。
c. 词条修改:对已经输入的单词信息进行修改。
d. 词条删除:删除某个单词记录。
e. 单词查询: 输入单词英文拼写,输出该单词的中文释义。
f. 信息保存:将单词信息保存到文件。
g. 退出系统
#include <stdio.h> //引入库函数 #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define szWORD 50 //单词长度最大50 #define szSTRN 200 //释义长度最大200 #define szProject sizeof(struct Dictionary) char fileDict[szSTRN]; typedef struct Dictionary{ char word[szWORD]; char mean[szSTRN]; } Project ; //定义字典结构体,定义两个字符型变量单词和释义 fpos_t consult(char *word, char *mean) { FILE * f = 0; Project i; int r = 0; fpos_t p = 0; if(!word) return 0; f = fopen(fileDict, "rb"); if (!f) return 0; while(!feof(f)) { fgetpos(f, &p); r = fread(&i, szProject , 1, f); if(r < 1) break; if(i.word[0] == 0) continue; if(strcmp(i.word , word)) continue; if(mean) strcpy(mean, i.mean ); fclose(f); return p+1; } fclose(f); return 0;} void Search(void); void Append(void); void Delete(void); void Update(void); int main(int argk, char * argh[]) { int m= 0; if(argk>1) strcpy(fileDict, argh[1]); else strcpy(fileDict, "c:\\dict.txt"); for(;;) { printf("\n\ --------------------\n\ 欢迎使用电子英汉词典!\n\ --------------------\n\ 1 - 查询词条\n\ 2 - 新增词条\n\ 3 - 删除词条\n\ 4 - 修改词条\n\ 5 - 退出词典\n\ --------------------\n"); m = getchar() - '0'; switch(m) { case 1: Search();break; case 2: Append();break; case 3: Delete();break; case 4: Update();break; default : return 0;} } return 0; } void Search(void) { Project i; fpos_t p = 0; memset(&i, 0, szProject ); printf("please input the word you want:"); scanf("%s", i.word ); p = consult(i.word, i.mean ); if(p==0) { printf("sorry do not find what you want!\n"); return; } printf("单词:%s\n释义:%s", i.word , i.mean ); } void Append(void) { Project i; FILE * f = 0; fpos_t p = 0; memset(&i, 0, szProject ); printf("please input the word you want:"); scanf("%s", i.word ); p = consult(i.word,0); if(p) { printf("sorry do not find what you want!\n"); return; } printf("please giving the meaning,按确认结束:"); fflush(stdin); gets(i.mean ); f = fopen(fileDict, "ab"); fwrite(&i, szProject , 1, f); fclose(f); printf("词条已新增\n"); } void Delete(void) { Project i; FILE * f = 0; fpos_t p = 0; memset(&i, 0, szProject ); printf("please input the word you want:"); scanf("%s", i.word ); p = consult(i.word, 0 ); if(p==0) { printf("sorry do not find what you want!\n"); return; } p--; memset(&i, 0, szProject); f = fopen(fileDict, "rb+"); fsetpos(f, &p); fwrite(&i, szProject , 1, f); fclose(f); printf("词条已删除\n"); } void Update(void) { Project i; FILE * f = 0; fpos_t p = 0; memset(&i, 0, szProject ); printf("please input the word you want:"); scanf("%s", i.word ); p = consult(i.word, 0 ); if(p==0) { printf("sorry do not find what you want!\n"); return; } p--; printf("please giving the meaning,按确认结束(输入drop放弃修改):"); fflush(stdin); gets(i.mean ); if(strstr(i.mean ,"drop")) { printf("已放弃修改!\n"); return ; } f = fopen(fileDict, "rb+"); fsetpos(f, &p); fwrite(&i, szProject , 1, f); fclose(f); printf("词条已保存\n"); }