BoxOver js 提示框 TIP提示效果

  • 脚本大小:16KB
  • 脚本语言:简体中文
  • 脚本类型:国产软件
  • 脚本授权:免费软件
  • 更新时间:2009-03-30 13:52:16
  • 脚本类别:其它框架
  • 相关链接:
  • 网友评分:脚本评分
  • 应用平台:windows平台
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Step 1
Include the folllowing somewhere in the HTML of your page

<SCRIPT SRC="BoxOver.js"></SCRIPT>


NB: Make sure "src" points to the correct location of the boxOver.js file

Step 2
Next, go to the code for the HTML element you would like the tooltip to appear over.
For instance, imagine we had the following "div" in our HTML document.

<DIV style="BORDER: #558844 1px solid;WIDTH:200px;HEIGHT: 75px">
My div with some text inside

This "div" looks as follows:

My div with some text inside

BoxOver is configured through the "title" attribute of HTML elements.  
To make a tooltip appear over the "div" above we alter the code as follows:

<DIV TITLE="header=[header text] body=[body text]" STYLE="BORDER: #558844 1px solid;WIDTH:200px;HEIGHT: 75px">
My div with some text inside.  Move over me to see my tooltip.

This "div" now looks like this:
My div with some text inside. Move over me to see my tooltip.

Settings The "installation" section details the most simple way to initialise BoxOver. 
There are many tweaks which can be set to customise it to your needs. 
As shown above BoxOver is set through a tag's "title" attribute. 

The general format is given by

title="parameter1=[value1] parameter2=[value2] parameter3=[value3]......"

The following table lists settings for BoxOver.
Parameter Possible values Default Description
header Any character blank Specifies the header text of the tooltip
body Any character blank Specifies the body text of the tooltip
fixedrelx Any integer N/A Forces the X-coordinate of the tooltip to stay fixed (offset is relative to the annotated HTML element)
fixedrely Any integer N/A Forces the Y-coordinate of the tooltip to stay fixed (offset is relative to the annotated HTML element)
fixedabsx Any integer N/A Forces the X-coordinate of the tooltip to stay fixed (X is an offset relative to the body of the HTML document)
fixedabsy Any integer N/A Forces the Y-coordinate of the tooltip to stay fixed (Y is an offset relative to the body of the HTML document)
windowlock on / off on Make tooltip stick to side of the window if user moves close to the side of the screen.
cssbody Any defined style class Built in styles Specifies CSS class for styles to be used on tooltip body.
cssheader Any defined style class Built in styles Specifies CSS class for styles to be used on tooltip header.
offsetx Any integer 10 Horizontal offset, in pixels, of the tooltip relative to the mouse cursor.
offsety Any integer 10 Vertical offset, in pixels, of the tooltip relative to the mouse cursor.
doubleclickstop on / off on Specifies whether to halt the tooltip when the user double clicks on the HTML element with the tooltip.
singleclickstop on / off off Specifies whether to halt the tooltip when the user single clicks on the HTML element with the tooltip. - if both singleclickstop and doubleclickstop are set to "on", singleslclickstop takes preference.
requireclick on / off off Specifies whether the user must first click the element before a tooltip appears. Intended for use on links so that information appears while the link is followed.
hideselects on / off off Specifies whether to hide all SELECT boxes on page when popup is activated.
fade on / off off Specifies whether to fade tooltip into visibility.
fadespeed Number between 0 and 1 0.04 Specifies how fast to fade in tooltip.
delay Any integer 0 Specifies delay in milliseconds before tooltip displays.

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