WordPress Code Highlight Plugin CodeHighlight_10beta311

  • 源码大小:131KB
  • 源码语言:简体中文
  • 源码类型:国产软件
  • 源码授权:免费软件
  • 更新时间:2008-12-12 12:17:21
  • 源码类别:php其它
  • 源码官网:
  • 网友评分:源码评分
  • 应用平台:windows平台
WordPress Code Highlight 插件。
Post syntax highlighted code, or simply post code that is not affected by the WordPress text replacement features.

Note: This plugin does not work correctly with WP 2.0. I’ve tried to get it to work, but the new WYSIWYG editor is causing a lot of trouble. I’m leaving the download up for anyone who wants to give it a try (re-release if it you wish. I will link to you from this post if you do). I am working on a new plugin that will let you post code, but in a different manner. I am trying to get something together so at least old posts will still display correctly.
You can Download what I’ve done so far and work from that. The problem is something to do with HTML cleanup, I believe. TinyMCE (or a plugin) cleans up invalid code — I’ve tried to fix it by converting HTML into entities, but the cleanup takes place before my TinyMCE plugin can work on it.

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